- 训练数据中没有标签,只有奖励函数(Reward Function);
- 训练数据不是现成给定的,而是由行为(Action)获得;
- 现在的行为(Action)不仅影响后续训练数据的获得,也影响奖励函数(Reward Function)的取值;
- 训练的目的是构建一个“状态->行为”的函数,其中状态(State)描述了目前内部和外部的环境,在此情况下,要使一个智能体(Agent)在某个特定的状态下,通过这个函数决定此时应该采取的行为。希望采取这些行为后,最终获得最大的奖励函数值。
- 通过价值选行为(Model-Free);
- Q learning(基于价值)
- Sarsa(基于价值)
- Deep Q Network
- 直接选行为;
- Policy Gradients(基于概率)
- 想象环境并从中学习。
- Model based RL
Q Learning
Q Learning 是强化学习算法中基于价值的算法。
Initialize\ Q(s,a)\ arbitrarily\\
Repeat\ (for\ each\ episode):\\
\quad Initialize\ S\\
\quad Repeat\ (for\ each\ step\ of\ episode):\\
\quad\quad Choose\ A\ from\ S\ using\ policy\ derived\ from\ Q\ (e.g.,\varepsilon-greedy)\\
\quad\quad Take\ action\ A,\ observe E,\ S’\\
\quad\quad Q(S,A)\leftarrow Q(S,A)+\alpha[R+\gamma\max_aQ(S’,a)-Q(S,A)]\\
\quad\quad S\leftarrow S’;\\
\quad until\ S\ is\ terminal
- $R_t$:$t$ 时刻的奖励函数值;
- $S_t$:$t$ 时刻的状态;
- $A_t$:$t$ 时刻的行为。
- 下一时刻的状态只与当前时刻状态有关,与其他状态无关:$\mathbb{P}[S_{t+1}\vert S_t]=\mathbb{P}[S_{t+1}\vert S_1,\cdots,S_t]$;
- 下一个时刻的状态只与这一时刻的状态以及这一时刻的行为有关:$P_{ss’}^a=\mathbb{P}[S_{t+1}=s’\vert S_t=s,A_t=a]$;
- 下一时刻的奖励函数值只与这一时刻的状态及这一时刻的行为有关:$R_s^a=\mathbb{E}[R_{t+1}\vert S_t=s,A_t=a]$。
Markov Decision Process(MDP)
- 在 $t=0$ 的时候,环境给出一个初始状态 $s_0\sim p(s_0)$;
- 需要学习一个策略(Policy)$\pi^*$,这是一个从状态到行为的映射函数,使得最大化累积的奖励。
- 智能体选择行为 $a_t$;
- 环境采样奖励函数 $r_t\sim E(r_t\vert s_t,a_t)$;
- 环境产生下一个状态 $s_{t+1}\sim P(s_{t+1}\vert s_t,a_t)$;
- 智能体获得奖励函数 $r_t$ 和下一个状态 $s_{t+1}$。
增强学习中的待优化目标函数是累计奖励,即一段时间内的奖励函数加权平均值($\gamma$ 是一个衰减项,$0<\gamma<1$):
G_t=R_{t+1}+\gamma R_{t+2}+\cdots=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\gamma^kR_{t+k+1}
需要学习的函数只有 $\pi^*$,即一个状态->行为的映射:
\pi(s_t,a_t)=p(a_t\vert s_t)
估值函数(Value Function)是衡量某个状态最终能获得多少累计奖励的函数:
V^\pi(s)=\mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}\gamma^tr_t\vert s_0=s,\pi]
Q 函数是衡量某个状态下采取某个行为后,最终能获得多少积累奖励的函数:
Q^\pi(s,a)=\mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}\gamma^tr_t\vert s_0=s,a_0=a,\pi]
\pi(s,a)=p(a\vert s)\\
Q^\pi(s,a)=\sum_{S’\in S}P_{SS’}^a(R_S^a+\gamma V^\pi(S’))\\
\pi(S,a)=\begin{cases}1, & 若a=\max_{a\in A}\ Q(S,a)\\ 2, &其他\end{cases}
得出估值函数和 Q 函数之间的关系:
V^\pi(s)=E_\pi(\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}\gamma^tr_t\vert s_0=s,\pi)\\
\quad\quad=E_\pi(r_0+\gamma\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}\gamma^tr_{t+1}\vert s_0=s,\pi)\\
\quad\quad=\sum_{a\in A}\pi(s,a)\sum_{s’\in s}P_{ss’}^a(R_s^a+\gamma V^\pi(s’))\\
\quad\quad=\sum_{a\in A}p(a\vert s)Q^\pi(s,a)
V^\pi(s)=\sum_{a\in A}\pi(s,a)Q^\pi(s,a)
通过上式,并使用迭代的方式每次对 Q 值($\pi(s,a)$,即在状态 $s$ 下执行动作 $a$ 的概率)进行更新,最终可以求出最佳策略 $\pi$。
下面模拟一下 Q Learning 的学习过程:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'SET_SEED':
seed = int(input('Input seed: '))
ACTIONS = ['left', 'right']
EPSILON = 0.9 # greedy policy
ALPHA = 0.1 # learning rate
LAMBDA = 0.9 # discount factor
def buildQTable(nStates, actions): # 创建Q表
table = pd.DataFrame(
np.zeros((nStates, len(actions))),
columns=actions, # 纵坐标为Actions
return table
def chooseAction(state, qTable): # 随机选择Action
stateActions = qTable.iloc[state, :]
if np.random.rand() > EPSILON or stateActions.all() == False: # 命中了10%的概率或是表中所有Actions的值都为0,随机选择下一个Action
actionName = np.random.choice(ACTIONS)
else: # 反之取值最大的Action作为下一个选择
actionName = stateActions.idxmax()
return actionName
def getEnvFeedback(S, A): # 通过当前状态和行为获取下一状态和奖励函数值
if A == 'right': # 如果Action为向右走
if S == NSTATES - 2: # 如果当前状态在目的地左侧1个位置
S_ = 'terminate' # 下一个状态设为终止
R = 1 # 奖励函数值设为1
S_ = S + 1 # 下一状态设为当前状态+1
R = 0 # 奖励函数值为0
else: # 如果Action为向左走
R = 0 # 向左走不会到目的地,奖励函数值设为0
if S == 0: # 如果已经在最左侧
S_ = S # 下一状态不变
S_ = S - 1 # 下一状态设为当前状态-1
return S_, R
def updateEnv(S, episode, stepCounter): # 更新环境
envList = ['-'] * (NSTATES - 1) + ['T'] # 初始化环境
if S == 'terminate': # 如果状态为终止
interaction = 'Episode %s: total_steps = %s' % (episode + 1, stepCounter)
envList[S] = 'M' # 更新当前位置
interaction = ''.join(envList)
print('\r{}'.format(interaction), end='')
def rl(): # 增强学习训练函数
qTable = buildQTable(NSTATES, ACTIONS) # 创建Q表
for episode in range(MAX_EPSODES): # 循环训练
stepCounter = 0
S = 0
isTerminated = False
updateEnv(S, episode, stepCounter) # 初始化环境
while not isTerminated:
A = chooseAction(S, qTable) # 选择Action
S_, R = getEnvFeedback(S, A) # 获取下一个状态和当前奖励函数值
qPred = qTable.loc[S, A] # 获取预测的Q值
if S_ != 'terminate': # 如果没有到达目的地
qTarget = R + LAMBDA * qTable.iloc[S_, :].max() # 计算实际的Q值
qTarget = R
isTerminated = True
qTable.loc[S, A] += ALPHA * (qTarget - qPred) # 更新Q值
S = S_ # 更新当前状态
updateEnv(S, episode, stepCounter + 1) # 更新环境
stepCounter += 1
return qTable
if __name__ == '__main__':
qTable = rl()
因为存在贪婪系数(Greedy Policy),在实际测试时可能有 10% 的概率随机选择行为,导致最后的结果有一些浮动:
$ ./Q-Learning-1.py
left right
0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0
Episode 1: total_steps = 34
Episode 2: total_steps = 7
Episode 3: total_steps = 7
Episode 4: total_steps = 5
Episode 5: total_steps = 6
Episode 6: total_steps = 8
Episode 7: total_steps = 7
Episode 8: total_steps = 5
Episode 9: total_steps = 5
Episode 10: total_steps = 5
Episode 11: total_steps = 5
Episode 12: total_steps = 5
Episode 13: total_steps = 5
left right
0 0.000002 0.005213
1 0.000026 0.027133
2 0.000139 0.111724
3 0.000139 0.343331
4 0.000810 0.745813
5 0.000000 0.000000
Q Learning 是典型的 Off-policy 算法,其生成样本的 Policy(Value Function)跟网络更新参数时使用的 Policy(Value Function)不同,计算下一状态的预期收益时通过 MAX 函数直接选择最优动作,而当前 Policy 并不一定能选择到最优动作。先产生某概率分布下的大量行为数据(Behavior Policy),意在探索。从这些偏离(Off)最优策略的数据中寻求 Target Policy。
Sarsa 算法和 Q Learning 很像,也是基于 Q 表实现。
Initialize\ Q(s,a)\ arbitrarily\\
Repeat\ (for\ each\ episode):\\
\quad Initialize\ S\\
\quad Choose\ A\ from\ S\ using\ policy\ derived\ from\ Q\ (e.g.,\varepsilon-greedy)\\
\quad Repeat\ (for\ each\ step\ of\ episode):\\
\quad\quad Take\ action\ A,\ observe\ E,\ S’\\
\quad\quad Choose\ A’\ from\ S’\ using\ policy\ derived\ from\ Q\ (e.g.,\varepsilon-greedy)\\
\quad\quad Q(S,A)\leftarrow Q(S,A)+\alpha[R+\gamma Q(S’,A’)-Q(S,A)]\\
\quad\quad S\leftarrow S’;\ A\leftarrow A’;\\
\quad until\ S\ is\ terminal
在更新 Q 表的时候,Sarsa 选择的策略与上一个策略一样,执行完当前行为 Action 后,再更新 Q 值。
测试由 tkinter 库实现的走迷宫小程序,使用 Sarsa 算法在避开陷阱的同时找到最优路径:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tkinter as tk
import time
UNIT = 40 # pixels
MAZE_H = 4 # grid height
MAZE_W = 4 # grid width
class Maze(tk.Tk, object): # 环境类
def __init__(self):
super(Maze, self).__init__()
self.actionSpace = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']
self.nActions = len(self.actionSpace)
self.geometry('{0}x{1}'.format(MAZE_H * UNIT, MAZE_W * UNIT))
def buildMaze(self):
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, bg='white', height=MAZE_H * UNIT, width=MAZE_W * UNIT)
for c in range(0, MAZE_W * UNIT, UNIT):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = c, 0, c, MAZE_H * UNIT
self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
for r in range(0, MAZE_H * UNIT, UNIT):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, r, MAZE_W * UNIT, r
self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1)
origin = np.array([20, 20])
# hell
hell1Center = origin + np.array([UNIT * 2, UNIT])
self.hell1 = self.canvas.create_rectangle(hell1Center[0] - 15, hell1Center[1] - 15, hell1Center[0] + 15, hell1Center[1] + 15, fill='black')
# hell
hell2Center = origin + np.array([UNIT, UNIT * 2])
self.hell2 = self.canvas.create_rectangle(hell2Center[0] - 15, hell2Center[1] - 15, hell2Center[0] + 15, hell2Center[1] + 15, fill='black')
# oval
ovalCenter = origin + UNIT * 2
self.oval = self.canvas.create_rectangle(ovalCenter[0] - 15, ovalCenter[1] - 15, ovalCenter[0] + 15, ovalCenter[1] + 15, fill='yellow')
# rect
self.rect = self.canvas.create_rectangle(origin[0] - 15, origin[1] - 15, origin[0] + 15, origin[1] + 15, fill='red')
def reset(self):
origin = np.array([20, 20])
self.rect = self.canvas.create_rectangle(origin[0] - 15, origin[0] - 15, origin[0] + 15, origin[0] + 15, fill='red')
return self.canvas.coords(self.rect)
def step(self, action):
s = self.canvas.coords(self.rect)
baseAction = np.array([0, 0])
if action == 0:
if s[1] > UNIT:
baseAction[1] -= UNIT
elif action == 1:
if s[1] < (MAZE_H - 1) * UNIT:
baseAction[1] += UNIT
elif action == 2:
if s[0] < (MAZE_W - 1) * UNIT:
baseAction[0] += UNIT
elif action == 3:
if s[0] > UNIT:
baseAction[0] -= UNIT
self.canvas.move(self.rect, baseAction[0], baseAction[1])
s_ = self.canvas.coords(self.rect)
if s_ == self.canvas.coords(self.oval):
reward = 1
isDone = True
s_ = 'terminated'
elif s_ in [self.canvas.coords(self.hell1), self.canvas.coords(self.hell2)]:
reward = -1
isDone = True
s_ = 'terminated'
reward = 0
isDone = False
return s_, reward, isDone
def render(self):
class RL(object): # 增强学习类
def __init__(self, actions, learningRate=0.01, rewardDecay=0.9, greedyPolicy=0.9):
self.actions = actions
self.lr = learningRate # 学习率
self.gamma = rewardDecay # 衰减项
self.epsilon = greedyPolicy # 贪婪系数
self.qTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.actions, dtype=np.float64)
def checkStateExists(self, state): # 检查状态State是否存在
if state not in self.qTable.index:
self.qTable = self.qTable.append(pd.Series([0] * len(self.actions), index=self.qTable.columns, name=state))
def chooseAction(self, observation): # 选择行为Action
if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon:
stateAction = self.qTable.loc[observation, :]
action = np.random.choice(stateAction[stateAction == np.max(stateAction)].index) # 选择Q值最大的行为Action
else: # 10%的概率随机选择行为Action
action = np.random.choice(self.actions)
return action
def learn(self, *args): # 学习函数
class SarsaTable(RL):
def __init__(self, actions, learningRate=0.01, rewardDecay=0.9, greedyPolicy=0.9):
super(SarsaTable, self).__init__(actions, learningRate, rewardDecay, greedyPolicy)
def learn(self, s, a, r, s_, a_):
self.checkStateExists(s_) # 检测得到的下一个状态State是否存在
qPred = self.qTable.loc[s, a]
if s_ != 'terminated': # 如果没有终止
qTarget = r + self.gamma * self.qTable.loc[s_, a_] # 计算新的Q值
else: # 状态终止
qTarget = r
self.qTable.loc[s, a] += self.lr * (qTarget - qPred) # 更新Q值
def update(): # 更新环境函数
for episode in range(100):
stepCounter = 0
state = env.reset() # 获取初始状态
action = RL.chooseAction(str(state)) # 获取初始行为
while True:
env.render() # 更新环境
state_, reward, isDone = env.step(action) # 执行当前行为并获取下一状态
action_ = RL.chooseAction(str(state_)) # 选择下一个行为Action
RL.learn(str(state), action, reward, str(state_), action_) # 学习并更新Q表
state = state_ # 更新下一个状态State
action = action_ # 更新下一个行为Action
stepCounter += 1
if isDone:
if reward == 1:
print('[+] Success! Episode %s: total_steps = %s' % (episode + 1, stepCounter))
elif reward == -1:
print('[!] Failed... Episode %s: total_steps = %s' % (episode + 1, stepCounter))
print('[*] Done')
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = Maze()
RL = SarsaTable(actions=list(range(env.nActions)))
env.after(100, update)
$ $ ./Sarsa.py
[!] Failed... Episode 1: total_steps = 7
[!] Failed... Episode 2: total_steps = 11
[!] Failed... Episode 3: total_steps = 31
[!] Failed... Episode 4: total_steps = 45
[+] Success! Episode 5: total_steps = 84
[!] Failed... Episode 6: total_steps = 73
[+] Success! Episode 7: total_steps = 36
[+] Success! Episode 8: total_steps = 82
[+] Success! Episode 9: total_steps = 33
[+] Success! Episode 10: total_steps = 48
[+] Success! Episode 11: total_steps = 61
[+] Success! Episode 12: total_steps = 8
[+] Success! Episode 13: total_steps = 8
[+] Success! Episode 14: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 15: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 16: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 17: total_steps = 11
[!] Failed... Episode 18: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 19: total_steps = 7
[+] Success! Episode 20: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 21: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 22: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 23: total_steps = 8
[+] Success! Episode 24: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 25: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 26: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 27: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 28: total_steps = 6
生成样本的 Policy(Value Function)跟网络更新参数时使用的 Policy(Value Function)相同。典型为 SARAS 算法,基于当前的 Policy 直接执行一次动作选择,然后用这个样本更新当前的 Policy。
该方法会遭遇探索-利用的矛盾,光利用目前已知的最优选择,可能学不到最优解,收敛到局部最优,而加入探索又降低了学习效率。epsilon-greedy 算法是这种矛盾下的折衷。优点是直接了当,速度快,劣势是不一定找到最优策略。
Sarsa-lambda 算法是 Sarsa 的改进版。在每次获得 Reward 后,Sarsa 只对前一步的 Q 值进行更新,Sarsa-lambda 则会对获得 Reward 之前所有的 Q 值进行更新。
Initialize\ Q(s,a)\ arbitrarily,for\ all\ s\in S,a\in A(s)\\
Repeat\ (for\ each\ episode):\\
\quad E(s,a)=0,for\ all\ s\in S,a\in A(s)\\
\quad Initialize\ S,A\\
\quad Repeat\ (for\ each\ step\ of\ episode):\\
\quad\quad Choose\ A’\ from\ S’\ using\ policy\ derived\ from\ Q\ (e.g.,\varepsilon-greedy)\\
\quad\quad \delta\leftarrow R+\gamma Q(S’,A’)-Q(S,A)\\
\quad\quad E(S,A)\leftarrow E(S,A)+1\\
\quad\quad For\ all\ s\in S,a\in A(s):\\
\quad\quad\quad Q(s,a)\leftarrow Q(s,a)+\alpha\delta E(s,a)\\
\quad\quad\quad E(s,a)\leftarrow \gamma\lambda E(s,a)\\
\quad\quad S\leftarrow S’;\ A\leftarrow A’;\\
\quad until\ S\ is\ terminal
Sarsa-lambda 中新增了一个矩阵 Eligibility Trace,用于保存在路径中的每一步,这样就能更新前面的每一步的 Q 值。其中 $\lambda\in[0,1]$,如果 $\lambda=0$,就会退化为 Sarsa 算法;如果 $\lambda=1$,每次更新就会完全考虑到前面的每一步。
对 Sarsa 进行一定的修改:
class SarsaLambdaTable(RL):
def __init__(self, actions, learningRate=0.01, rewardDecay=0.9, greedyPolicy=0.9, traceDecay=0.9):
super(SarsaLambdaTable, self).__init__(actions, learningRate, rewardDecay, greedyPolicy)
self.lambda_ = traceDecay # 步数的衰减值
self.eligibilityTrace = self.qTable.copy() # 矩阵Eligibility Trace
def checkStateExists(self, state): # 检查状态State是否存在
if state not in self.qTable.index:
toBeAppend = pd.Series([0] * len(self.actions), index=self.qTable.columns, name=state) # 若不存在,新增一列
self.qTable = self.qTable.append(toBeAppend) # 更新Q表
self.eligibilityTrace = self.eligibilityTrace.append(toBeAppend) # 更新E表
def learn(self, s, a, r, s_, a_):
qPred = self.qTable.loc[s, a] # 预测Q值
if s_ != 'terminated':
qTarget = r + self.gamma * self.qTable.loc[s_, a_] # 计算实际Q值
qTarget = r
error = qTarget - qPred # 计算实际值和预测值的差值
# Method 1
#self.eligibilityTrace.loc[s, a] += 1
# Method 2
self.eligibilityTrace.loc[s, :] *= 0
self.eligibilityTrace.loc[s, a] = 1
self.qTable += self.lr * error * self.eligibilityTrace # 更新Q表
self.eligibilityTrace *= self.gamma * self.lambda_ # 更新E表
def update():
for episode in range(100):
stepCounter = 0
observation = env.reset()
action = RL.chooseAction(str(observation))
while True:
observation_, reward, isDone = env.step(action)
action_ = RL.chooseAction(str(observation_))
RL.learn(str(observation), action, reward, str(observation_), action_)
observation = observation_
action = action_
stepCounter += 1
if isDone:
if reward == 1:
print('[+] Success! Episode %s: total_steps = %s' % (episode + 1, stepCounter))
elif reward == -1:
print('[!] Failed... Episode %s: total_steps = %s' % (episode + 1, stepCounter))
print('[*] Done')
$ ./Sarsa-lambda.py
[!] Failed... Episode 1: total_steps = 6
[!] Failed... Episode 2: total_steps = 27
[!] Failed... Episode 3: total_steps = 43
[+] Success! Episode 4: total_steps = 230
[!] Failed... Episode 5: total_steps = 190
[+] Success! Episode 6: total_steps = 40
[+] Success! Episode 7: total_steps = 52
[+] Success! Episode 8: total_steps = 155
[+] Success! Episode 9: total_steps = 46
[+] Success! Episode 10: total_steps = 44
[+] Success! Episode 11: total_steps = 32
[+] Success! Episode 12: total_steps = 21
[+] Success! Episode 64: total_steps = 8
[+] Success! Episode 65: total_steps = 8
[+] Success! Episode 66: total_steps = 6
[+] Success! Episode 67: total_steps = 6
Deep Q Network(DQN)
由于在大量状态和行为的情况下,Q Learning 等一系列基于价值的算法不能很好地进行学习,衍生出了一种和神经网络结合的算法。
Initialize\ replay\ memory\ D\ to\ capacity\ N\\
Initialize\ action-value\ function\ Q\ with\ random\ weights\ \theta\\
Initialize\ target\ action-value\ function\ \hat{Q}\ with\ weights\ \theta^-=\theta\\
For\ episode=1,M\ do\\
\quad Initialize\ sequence\ s_1={x_1}\ and\ preprocessed\ sequence\ \phi_1=\phi(s_1)\\
\quad For\ t=1,T\ do\\
\quad\quad With\ probability\ \varepsilon\ select\ a\ random\ action\ a_t\\
\quad\quad otherwise\ select\ a_t=argmax_aQ(\phi(s_t),a;\theta)\\
\quad\quad Execute\ action\ a_t\ in\ emulator\ and\ observe\ reward\ r_t\ and image\ x_{t+1}\\
\quad\quad Set\ s_{t+1}=s_t,a_t,x_{t+1}\ and\ preprocess\ \phi_{t+1}=\phi(s_{t+1})\\
\quad\quad Store\ transition\ (\phi_t,a_t,r_t,\phi_{t+1})\ in\ D\\
\quad\quad Sample\ random\ minibatch\ of\ transitions\ (\phi_j,a_j,r_j,\phi_{j+1})\ from\ D\\
\quad\quad Set\ y_j=\begin{cases}r_j, & if\ episode\ terminates\ at\ step\ j+1\\ r_j+\gamma max_{a’}\hat{Q}(\phi_{j+1},a’;\phi^-), & otherwise\end{cases}\\
\quad\quad Perform\ a\ gradient\ descent\ step\ on\ (y_j-Q(\phi(j),a_j;\theta))^2\ with\ respect\ to\ the\\
\quad\quad network\ paramters\ \theta\\
\quad\quad Every\ C\ steps\ reset\ \hat{Q}=Q\\
\quad End\ For\\
End\ For
PS:下面公式中的 $max_a$ 均表示 $max_{a’}$,不知道为什么 MathJax 不能正常显示下面带单引号的公式(在中括号 $[]$ 之间的部分)。有了解的师傅欢迎联系我。
Q^*=\max_{\pi}\mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}\vert\gamma^tr_t\vert s_0=s,a_0=a,\pi]
则有 Bellman Equation:
Q^*(s,a)=\mathbb{E}_{s’\sim\varepsilon}[r+\gamma max_aQ^*(s’,a’)\vert s,a]
用深度神经网络来模拟 $Q^*(s,a)$,其中 $\theta$ 为权重:
Q(s,a;\theta)\approx Q^*(s,a)
根据 Bellman Equation 得出以下神经网络:
- 前向计算:$L_i(\theta_i)=\mathbb{E}_{s,a\sim\rho(\cdot)}[(y_i-Q(s,a;\theta_i))^2]$,其中 $y_i=\mathbb{E}_{s’\sim\epsilon}[r+\gamma max_aQ(s’,a’;\theta_{i-1})\vert s,a]$;
- 后向传播:$\nabla_{\theta_i}L_i(\theta_i)=\mathbb{E}_{s,a\sim\rho(\cdot);s’\sim\varepsilon}[r+\gamma max_aQ(s’,a’;\theta_{i-1})-Q(s,a;\theta_i)\nabla_{\theta_i}Q(s,a;\theta_i)]$。
利用 OpenAI 的 gym 库对 DQN 进行测试:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class DeepQNetwork:
def __init__(self, nActions, nFeatures, learningRate=0.01, rewardDecay=0.9, eGreedy=0.9, replaceTargetIter=300, memorySize=500, batchSize=32, eGreedyIncrement=None, outputGraph=False):
self.nActions = nActions # 动作数
self.nFeatures = nFeatures # 神经网络的特征数
self.lr = learningRate # 学习率
self.gamma = rewardDecay # 奖励衰减项
self.epsilonMax = eGreedy # 贪婪系数最大值
self.replaceTargetIter = replaceTargetIter # 更新targetNet的步数
self.memorySize = memorySize # 用于记忆的数据数量
self.batchSize = batchSize # Batch大小
self.epsilonIncrement = eGreedyIncrement # 贪婪系数变化率
self.epsilon = 0 if eGreedyIncrement is not None else self.epsilonMax # 贪婪系数
self.learnStepCounter = 0 # 记录学习的步数
self.memory = np.zeros((self.memorySize, nFeatures * 2 + 2)) # 创建存储空间
self.buildNet() # 建立网络
tParams = tf.get_collection('targetNetParams') # 获取targetNet中的参数
eParams = tf.get_collection('evalNetParams') # 获取evalNet中的参数
self.replaceTargetOp = [tf.assign(t, e) for t, e in zip(tParams, eParams)] # 将targetNet中的参数替换为evalNet中的参数
self.sess = tf.Session()
if outputGraph:
tf.summary.FileWriter('log/', self.sess.graph)
self.sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) # 激活变量
self.costHis = [] # 记录误差
def buildNet(self):
# Build evalNet
self.s = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nFeatures], name='s') # 输入1:当前的状态State
self.qTarget = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nActions], name='qTarget') # 输入2:现实Q值
with tf.variable_scope('evalNet'):
cNames = ['evalNetParams', tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES] # 用于收集evalNet中所有的参数
nL1 = 10 # 第一层神经元个数
wInitializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(0., 0.3) # 随机生成权重
bInitializer = tf.constant_initializer(0.1) # 随机生成偏置
with tf.variable_scope('l1'): # 第一层
w1 = tf.get_variable('w1', [self.nFeatures, nL1], initializer=wInitializer, collections=cNames) # 权重
b1 = tf.get_variable('b1', [1, nL1], initializer=bInitializer, collections=cNames) # 偏置
l1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(self.s, w1) + b1) # 激励函数使用ReLU
with tf.variable_scope('l2'): # 第二层
w2 = tf.get_variable('w2', [nL1, self.nActions], initializer=wInitializer, collections=cNames) # 权重
b2 = tf.get_variable('b2', [1, self.nActions], initializer=bInitializer, collections=cNames) # 偏置
self.qEval = tf.matmul(l1, w2) + b2 # 估计的Q值
with tf.variable_scope('loss'):
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(self.qTarget, self.qEval))
with tf.variable_scope('train'):
self.trainOp = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(self.lr).minimize(self.loss)
# Build targetNet
self.s_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nFeatures], name='s_') # 输入1:下一个状态State
with tf.variable_scope('targetNet'):
cNames = ['targetNetParams', tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES] # 用于收集targetNet中所有的参数
with tf.variable_scope('l1'): # 第一层
w1 = tf.get_variable('w1', [self.nFeatures, nL1], initializer=wInitializer, collections=cNames) # 权重
b1 = tf.get_variable('b1', [1, nL1], initializer=bInitializer, collections=cNames) # 偏置
l1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(self.s_, w1) + b1) # 激励函数使用ReLU
with tf.variable_scope('l2'): # 第二层
w2 = tf.get_variable('w2', [nL1, self.nActions], initializer=wInitializer, collections=cNames) # 权重
b2 = tf.get_variable('b2', [1, self.nActions], initializer=bInitializer, collections=cNames) # 偏置
self.qNext = tf.matmul(l1, w2) + b2 # 估计的Q值
def storeTransition(self, s, a, r, s_):
if not hasattr(self, 'memoryCounter'):
self.memoryCounter = 0
transition = np.hstack((s, [a, r], s_))
idx = self.memoryCounter % self.memorySize
self.memory[idx, :] = transition
self.memoryCounter += 1
def chooseAction(self, observation): # 选择行为Action
observation = observation[np.newaxis, :] # 变成二维矩阵便于处理
if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon:
actionsValue = self.sess.run(self.qEval, feed_dict={self.s: observation}) # 放入evalNet中分析计算行为的值
action = np.argmax(actionsValue) # 选择值最大的行为Action
action = np.random.randint(0, self.nActions) # 10%的概率随机选择行为Action
return action
def learn(self):
if self.learnStepCounter % self.replaceTargetIter == 0: # 判断学习之前是否需要替换参数
print('[+] Target params replaced.')
if self.memoryCounter > self.memorySize: # 判断存储空间中的数据数量
sampleIdx = np.random.choice(self.memorySize, size=self.batchSize)
sampleIdx = np.random.choice(self.memoryCounter, size=self.batchSize)
batchMemory = self.memory[sampleIdx, :] # 获取一部分数据作为Batch
qNext, qEval = self.sess.run([self.qNext, self.qEval], feed_dict={self.s_: batchMemory[:, -self.nFeatures:], self.s: batchMemory[:, :self.nFeatures]}) # 分别计算当前状态和下一状态的Q值
qTarget = qEval.copy() #
batchIdx = np.arange(self.batchSize, dtype=np.int32)
evalActIdx = batchMemory[:, self.nFeatures].astype(int)
reward = batchMemory[:, self.nFeatures + 1]
qTarget[batchIdx, evalActIdx] = reward + self.gamma * np.max(qNext, axis=1)
_, self.cost = self.sess.run([self.trainOp, self.loss], feed_dict={self.s: batchMemory[:, :self.nFeatures], self.qTarget: qTarget}) # 计算误差值
self.costHis.append(self.cost) # 存储误差值
self.epsilon = self.epsilon + self.epsilonIncrement if self.epsilon < self.epsilonMax else self.epsilonMax # 更新贪婪系数
self.learnStepCounter += 1
def plotCost(self): # 展示误差
plt.plot(np.arange(len(self.costHis)), self.costHis)
plt.xlabel('Training Steps')
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
totalStep = 0
RL = DeepQNetwork(nActions=env.action_space.n, nFeatures=env.observation_space.shape[0], learningRate=0.01, eGreedy=0.9, replaceTargetIter=100, memorySize=2000, eGreedyIncrement=0.001)
for episode in range(100):
observation = env.reset() # 获取第一个状态
episodeReward = 0
while True:
action = RL.chooseAction(observation) # 选择行为Actor
observation_, reward, isDone, info = env.step(action) # 获取执行行为后得到的相关信息
x, xDot, theta, thetaDot = observation_
r1 = (env.x_threshold - abs(x)) / env.x_threshold - 0.8 # 根据离画面中心距离判断奖励值
r2 = (env.theta_threshold_radians - abs(theta)) / env.theta_threshold_radians - 0.5 # 根据杆子偏离度判断奖励值
reward = r1 + r2 # 替换奖励值
RL.storeTransition(observation, action, reward, observation_) # 存储步骤
episodeReward += reward # 更新奖励值
if totalStep > 1000:
RL.learn() # 学习
if isDone:
print('[+] episode: {}, episodeReward: {}, epsilon: {}'.format(episode, episodeReward, RL.epsilon)) # 输出
observation = observation_
totalStep += 1
RL.plotCost() # 绘制误差图
学习效果,最终会收敛到最合适的 $\varepsilon$ 对应的值:
$ ./DQN.py
[4.8000002e+00 3.4028235e+38 4.1887903e-01 3.4028235e+38]
[-4.8000002e+00 -3.4028235e+38 -4.1887903e-01 -3.4028235e+38]
[+] episode: 0, episodeReward: 8.962128355556148, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 1, episodeReward: 5.262074725675638, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 2, episodeReward: 4.771817696346831, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 3, episodeReward: 3.6815099553712423, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 4, episodeReward: 2.0117216279281562, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 5, episodeReward: 14.986124067404067, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 6, episodeReward: 5.049683281727361, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 50, episodeReward: 7.6161165056296385, epsilon: 0
[+] episode: 51, episodeReward: 7.366432746086161, epsilon: 0
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] episode: 52, episodeReward: 12.517630447631952, epsilon: 0.009000000000000001
[+] episode: 53, episodeReward: 3.090222284801366, epsilon: 0.022000000000000013
[+] episode: 54, episodeReward: 4.435946584693391, epsilon: 0.04300000000000003
[+] episode: 55, episodeReward: 5.469698721962921, epsilon: 0.07000000000000005
[+] episode: 56, episodeReward: 2.2975027875220384, epsilon: 0.08500000000000006
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] episode: 57, episodeReward: 3.042176076066822, epsilon: 0.10700000000000008
[+] episode: 58, episodeReward: 18.75897216435803, epsilon: 0.1480000000000001
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] episode: 97, episodeReward: 112.18733630622428, epsilon: 0.9
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] episode: 98, episodeReward: 126.81607918996532, epsilon: 0.9
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] Target params replaced.
[+] episode: 99, episodeReward: 126.65358872838634, epsilon: 0.9
Policy Gradience
Initialize\ \theta\ arbitrarily\\
For\ each\ episode\ {s_1,a_1,r_2,\cdots,s_{T-1},a_{T-1},r_T}\sim\pi do\\
\quad For\ t=1\ to\ T-1\ do\\
\quad\quad \theta\leftarrow+\alpha\nabla_\theta\log\pi_\theta(s_t,a_t)v_t\\
\quad End\ For\\
End\ For
Policy Gradience 主要思想:在每一个状态下,根据现有 $P(a_t,s_t)$ 采样 $a_t$,如此往复,获得一组状态-行为对:$s_1,a_1,s_2,a_2,\cdots,s_T$,此时获得最终的奖励函数 $r_T$,这里我们假设 $r_T$ 可取正负值,其中正值表示获得奖励,负值表示获得惩罚。最终可以根据 $r_T$ 去修改每一步的 $P(a_t,s_t)$:
P(a_t\vert s_t)=P(a_t\vert s_t)+\alpha r_T
如果 $P(a_t\vert s_t)\sim Q(s_t,a_t,\theta)$,则有:
\theta=\theta+\alpha r_t\nabla_\theta Q(s_t,a_t,\theta)
Policy Gradience 的改进:上述算法的缺点是,我们需要非常精确地设置 $r_T$ 的值,否则很可能出现 $P$ 一直上涨或一直下降。一个主要的改进如下:
P(a_t\vert s_t)=P(a_t\vert s_t)+\alpha(r_T-V(s_t))\\
\theta=\theta+\alpha(r_T-V(s_t))\nabla_\theta Q(s_t,a_t,\theta)
$V(s)$ 是估值函数:
V(s)=\mathbb{E}[\sum_{t≥0}\gamma^tr_t\vert s_0=s,\pi]
它代表了在 $t$ 时刻对最终 Reward 的估计(可以采用深度神经网络求 $V(s)=V(s,\theta)$)。
利用 Policy Gradient 实现对 GYM 库中 CartPole 游戏的学习:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
DISPLAY_REWARD_THRESHOLD = 400 # renders environment if total episode reward is greater then this threshold
RENDER = False # rendering wastes time
class PolicyGradient:
def __init__(self, nActions, nFeatures, learningRate=0.01, rewardDecay=0.95, outputGraph=False):
self.nActions = nActions
self.nFeatures = nFeatures
self.lr = learningRate
self.gamma = rewardDecay
self.episodeObs, self.episodeAs, self.episodeRs = [], [], []
self.sess = tf.Session()
if outputGraph:
tf.summary.FileWriter('log/', self.sess.graph)
print('[+] TensorBoard built successfully')
def buildNet(self): # 建立神经网络
with tf.name_scope('inputs'):
self.tfObs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.nFeatures], name='observations')
self.tfActs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name='actionsNum')
self.tfVt = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name='actionsValue')
# fc1
layer = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.tfObs, units=10, activation=tf.nn.tanh, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0, stddev=0.3), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='fc1') # 全连接层
allAct = tf.layers.dense(inputs=layer, units=self.nActions, activation=None, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0, stddev=0.3), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='fc2') # 全连接层
self.allActProb = tf.nn.softmax(allAct, name='actProb') # 求出行为对应的概率
with tf.name_scope('loss'): # 计算误差
negLogProb = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=allAct, labels=self.tfActs)
#negLogProb = tf.reduce_sum(-tf.log(self.allActProb) * tf.one_hot(self.tfActs, self.tfActs), axis=1) # 将目标函数修改为对最小值的求解
loss = tf.reduce_mean(negLogProb * self.tfVt)
with tf.name_scope('train'):
self.trainOp = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr).minimize(loss)
def chooseAction(self, observation): # 选择行为
probWeights = self.sess.run(self.allActProb, feed_dict={self.tfObs: observation[np.newaxis, :]}) # 获取概率
action = np.random.choice(range(probWeights.shape[1]), p=probWeights.ravel()) # 通过概率选择行为
return action
def storeTransition(self, s, a, r): # 存储回合
def learn(self): # 学习更新参数
discountedEpRsNorm = self.discountAndNormRewards()
self.sess.run(self.trainOp, feed_dict={self.tfObs: np.vstack(self.episodeObs), self.tfActs: np.array(self.episodeAs), self.tfVt: discountedEpRsNorm}) # 训练
self.episodeObs, self.episodeAs, self.episodeRs = [], [], [] # 清空存储空间
return discountedEpRsNorm
def discountAndNormRewards(self): # 衰减回合奖励
discountedEpRs = np.zeros_like(self.episodeRs)
runningAdd = 0
for t in reversed(range(len(self.episodeRs))):
runningAdd = runningAdd * self.gamma + self.episodeRs[t]
discountedEpRs[t] = runningAdd
# 数据归一化
discountedEpRs -= np.mean(discountedEpRs)
discountedEpRs /= np.std(discountedEpRs)
return discountedEpRs
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
env.seed(1) # reproducible, general Policy gradient has high variance
env = env.unwrapped
RL = PolicyGradient(nActions=env.action_space.n, nFeatures=env.observation_space.shape[0], learningRate=0.02, rewardDecay=0.99)
for episode in range(3000):
observation = env.reset()
while True:
action = RL.chooseAction(observation)
observation_, reward, isDone, info = env.step(action)
RL.storeTransition(observation, action, reward) # 存储当前回合
if isDone:
episodeRsSum = sum(RL.episodeRs)
if 'runningReward' not in globals():
runningReward = episodeRsSum
runningReward = runningReward * 0.99 + episodeRsSum * 0.01 # 更新奖励
if runningReward > DISPLAY_REWARD_THRESHOLD: # 训练到一定程度
print('[+] episode: {}, reward: {}'.format(episode, runningReward))
vt = RL.learn()
if episode == 0:
plt.plot(vt) # 绘制回合奖励图
plt.xlabel('Episode Steps')
plt.ylabel('Normalized State-action value')
observation = observation_
$ $ ./Policy-Gradient.py
[+] episode: 0, reward: 20.0
[+] episode: 1, reward: 19.990000000000002
[+] episode: 2, reward: 20.210100000000004
[+] episode: 3, reward: 20.127999000000006
[+] episode: 4, reward: 20.116719010000008
[+] episode: 5, reward: 20.105551819900008
[+] episode: 6, reward: 20.214496301701008
[+] episode: 7, reward: 20.142351338683998
[+] episode: 107, reward: 332.15535489983097
[+] episode: 108, reward: 341.05380135083266
[+] episode: 109, reward: 388.9932633373243
[+] episode: 110, reward: 390.75333070395106
[+] episode: 111, reward: 446.6457973969116
Input:\ a\ differentiable\ policy\ parameterization\ \pi(a\vert s,\theta)\\
Input:\ a\ differentiable\ policy\ parameterization\ \hat{v}(s,\omega)\\
Algorithm\ parameters:\ trace-decay\ rates\ \gamma^\theta\in[0,1],\gamma^\omega\in[0,1];\ step\ sizes\ \alpha^\theta>0,\alpha^\omega>0\\
Initialize\ policy\ parameter\ \theta\in\mathbb{R}^{d’}\ and\ state-value\ weights\ \omega\in\mathbb{R}^d\ (e.g.,\ to\ 0)\\
Loop\ forever\ (for\ each\ episode):\\
\quad Initialize\ S\ (first\ state\ of\ episode)\\
\quad z^\theta\leftarrow0(d’-component\ eligibility\ trace\ vector)\\
\quad z^\omega\leftarrow0(d-component\ eligibility\ trace\ vector)\\
\quad I\leftarrow0\\
Loop\ while\ S\ is\ not\ terminal\ (for\ each\ time\ step):\\
\quad\quad A\sim\pi(\cdot\vert S,\theta)\\
\quad\quad Take\ action\ A,\ observe\ S’,R\\
\quad\quad \delta\leftarrow R+\gamma\hat{v}(S’,\omega)-\hat{v}(S,\omega)\\
\quad\quad z^\omega\leftarrow\gamma\lambda^\omega z^\omega+I\nabla_\omega\hat{v}(S,\omega)\\
\quad\quad z^\theta\leftarrow\gamma\lambda^\theta z^\theta+I\nabla_\theta\ln\pi(A\vert S,\theta) \\
\quad\quad \omega\leftarrow\omega+\alpha^\omega\delta z^\omega \\
\quad\quad \theta\leftarrow\theta+\alpha^\theta\delta z^\theta \\
\quad\quad I\leftarrow\gamma I \\
\quad\quad S\leftarrow S’ \\
Actor-Critic 算法分为两部分,Actor 的前身是 Policy Gradient,可以在连续动作空间内选择合适的动作,由于 Actor 基于回合更新的所以学习效率比较慢;基于价值的 Q Learning 作为 Critic 的算法实现单步更新,对 Actor 的行为进行评分,Actor 再根据评分修改行为的概率。
Actor 的行为取决于 Critic 的 Value,但因为 Critic 本身就很难收敛和 Actor 一起更新的话就更难收敛了。
使用 Actor-Critic 算法对游戏 CartPole 进行学习:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
import gym
RENDER = False
GAMMA = 0.9 # 贪婪系数
LR_A = 0.001 # Learning Rate of Actor
LR_C = 0.01 # Learning Rate of Critic
class Actor(object):
def __init__(self, sess, nFeatures, nActions, lr=0.001):
self.sess = sess
self.s = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, nFeatures], 'state') # 输入1:状态
self.a = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, None, 'act') # 输入2:动作
self.tdError = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, None, 'tdError') # 输入3:奖励
with tf.variable_scope('Actor'):
l1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.s, units=20, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0., .1), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='l1') # 第一层
self.actsProb = tf.layers.dense(inputs=l1, units=nActions, activation=tf.nn.softmax, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0., .1), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='actsProb') # 第二层输出每个动作的概率
with tf.variable_scope('expV'):
logProb = tf.log(self.actsProb[0, self.a])
self.expV = tf.reduce_mean(logProb * self.tdError) # loss
with tf.variable_scope('train'):
self.trainOp = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(-self.expV) # min(expV) = max(-expV)
def learn(self, s, a, td): # 学习
s = s[np.newaxis, :]
feed_dict = {self.s: s, self.a: a, self.tdError: td}
_, expV = self.sess.run([self.trainOp, self.expV], feed_dict)
return expV
def chooseAction(self, s): # 选择行为
s = s[np.newaxis, :]
probs = self.sess.run(self.actsProb, {self.s: s})
return np.random.choice(np.arange(probs.shape[1]), p=probs.ravel())
class Critic(object):
def __init__(self, sess, nFeatures, lr=0.01):
self.sess = sess
self.s = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, nFeatures], 'state') # 输入1:当前状态
self.v_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 1], 'vNext') # 输入2:下一个奖励折现值
self.r = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, None, 'r') # 输入3:当前奖励
with tf.variable_scope('Critic'):
l1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=self.s, units=20, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0., .1), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='l1') # 第一层
self.v = tf.layers.dense(inputs=l1, units=1, activation=None, kernel_initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(0., .1), bias_initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1), name='V') # 第二层
with tf.variable_scope('squaredTDError'):
self.tdError = self.r + GAMMA * self.v_ - self.v # 时间差分值的平方
self.loss = tf.square(self.tdError) # loss
with tf.variable_scope('train'):
self.trainOp = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(self.loss)
def learn(self, s, r, s_): # 学习奖励机制
s, s_ = s[np.newaxis, :], s_[np.newaxis, :]
v_ = self.sess.run(self.v, {self.s: s_})
tdError, _ = self.sess.run([self.tdError, self.trainOp], {self.s: s, self.v_: v_, self.r: r})
return tdError # 返回给Actor
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
env = env.unwrapped
N_F = env.observation_space.shape[0]
N_A = env.action_space.n
sess = tf.Session()
actor = Actor(sess, nFeatures=N_F, nActions=N_A, lr=LR_A)
critic = Critic(sess, nFeatures=N_F, lr=LR_C)
tf.summary.FileWriter('log/', sess.graph)
for episode in range(MAX_EPISODE):
s = env.reset()
t = 0
trackR = []
while True:
a = actor.chooseAction(s) # 获取动作
s_, r, isDone, info = env.step(a) # 执行动作
if isDone:
r = -20
trackR.append(r) # 保存奖励值
tdError = critic.learn(s, r, s_) # Critic学习奖励值
actor.learn(s, a, tdError) # Actor根据tdError更新状态
s = s_
t += 1
if isDone or t >= MAX_EP_STEPS:
episodeRsSum = sum(trackR)
if 'runningReward' not in globals():
runningReward = episodeRsSum
runningReward = runningReward * 0.95 + episodeRsSum * 0.05 # 更新此轮奖励
print('[+] episode: {}, reward: {}'.format(episode, runningReward))
Actor-Critic 涉及到了两个神经网络,而且每次都是在连续状态中更新参数,每次参数更新前后都存在相关性,会导致神经网络只能片面的看待问题,甚至导致神经网络学不到东西。所以这里学习的速度不是很快,而且起伏较大,很难收敛:
$ ./Actor-Critic.py
[+] episode: 0, reward: -7.0
[+] episode: 1, reward: -6.8
[+] episode: 2, reward: -6.01
[+] episode: 3, reward: -6.059499999999999
[+] episode: 4, reward: -6.156524999999999
[+] episode: 5, reward: -6.1486987499999985
[+] episode: 6, reward: -6.0912638124999985
[+] episode: 7, reward: -6.336700621874998
[+] episode: 8, reward: -6.569865590781248
[+] episode: 169, reward: 153.89380890618554
[+] episode: 170, reward: 152.09911846087627
[+] episode: 171, reward: 151.84416253783243
[+] episode: 172, reward: 160.05195441094082
[+] episode: 173, reward: 202.04935669039378
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels
Reiforcement Learning - 莫烦 Python
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